Title: An Overview of the Ottawa Mass Timber Demonstration Fire Test Program
Duration: 1 hour
Date: January 25th, 2024
The presentation will provide an overview of the Mass Timber Demonstration Fire Test Program conducted during the summer and fall of 2022. Past research on the fire performance of mass timber construction will be reviewed to provide the background necessary to understand how the latest tests support the design of taller and larger mass timber buildings. Each of the five tests performed will be reviewed along with what it means for future mass timber building design and Canadian Building and Fire Codes.
Marc Alam Ph.D., E.I.T.
Senior Manager, Codes and Standards – Fire and Acoustics
Canadian Wood Council
As manager of codes and standards in the fire division, Marc participates in CWC’s building code and standards fire‐related initiatives and the development of CWC’s fire design tools, as well as code‐related fire research projects. He has a PhD in Civil Engineering from Carleton as well as a Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering with a concentration in Management.